XI GREMPA Seminar on pistachios and almonds = XIeme Colloque du GREMPA sur le pistachier et l'amandier : Proceedings of the XI GREMPA Seminar organized by the University of Harran with the collaboration of the FAO-CIHEAM Inter-Regional Cooperative Research and Development Network on Nuts, Sanliurfa (Turkey), 1-4 September 1999 Scientific editor B.E. Ak - Zaragoza IAMZ 2001 - 415 p. il. n. 30 cm - Cahiers Options Mediterraneennes 56 1022-1379 . - Cahiers Options Mediterraneennes .

Congresos Plantas de frutos secos Arboles frutales Frutos secos Pistacia vera Prunus dulcis Fruticultura